Watered with hope
When we first moved into our current home, I received an orchid plant from my sister-in-law as a house-warming gift. I was touched by the sentiment, but I was a little annoyed. At the time, I had a 2 year old toddler, was pregnant with my second baby, and had just moved into a house in a neighborhood that I knew not a single person. Last thing I wanted was to worry about keeping a plant alive!
But I took on the challenge. My little orchid blossomed and did so well that it grew a baby plant off of one of its stalks. Then, my husband decided that another one would be a great Mother’s Day gift, and I have a total of 3 now.
Anyway, the reason why I’m talking about these orchids was because I had an epiphany last week. The past several years, I’ve neglected my orchids. I haven’t been watering them as faithfully. I used to re-pot them every year, trim out the decaying roots and give them fertilizer, but I haven’t done that probably in the last five years.
Despite my neglect, my plants continue to bloom every year. Their leaves may not be as glossy, and the blooms may not last as long, but they faithfully return every year. What a blessing that has been!
As I watered my sweet plants before going on vacation last week, my mind compared my plants to my children. Sometimes, I have the energy and the strength to invest all of me into my kids. Sometimes they are put to the side for other activities and priorities. However, in the end, they continue to demand my attention, constantly needing water, sunlight, and pruning.
Through God’s will, my children continue to faithfully bloom. My love and care for them may ebb and flow, but God’s grace has never ended for them or for me. What a great reminder this has been! I still play an integral part of being a parent, but the burden is so more enjoyable knowing that the Lord is there to help me with the struggle. Cause the struggle is real. Every day. Every moment. Parenting is hard, and if someones tells you otherwise, he/she is purposely lying to your face.
So, if you’re having a bad day, a rough week, or a long season (we have been cooped up for a very long time because of the pandemic!), just be reminded, you’re not alone. We all struggle–whether we are willing to admit it or not. BUT (isn’t that a great word!) we have a heavenly Father who loves us, takes care of us, and watches us grow even when we don’t realize it. Feel encouraged by that. Have hope. When I watered my plants last week, I watered my soul too. I watered it with hope.

One thought on “Watered with hope”
Anita, That was absolutely beautiful! Thank you for sharing 🥰.