The New Norm
How ya been? Week two of quarantine/homeschooling/trapped at home has finally finished, and tomorrow begins round three of who knows how many. So, let me ask that again, and be honest with me.
How ya been? 🙂
Are you like me? The first week was “Hey… I got this… this ain’t bad. I get to spend some quality time with the kiddos, my man since he’s not traveling for work, and finally work on those home projects we’ve been neglecting since we never had time.”
Then the second week rolls along, and the honeymoon period is fading fast. Schooling becomes less motivating. The redundancy in the days make everything blend in together. Everyone gets antsy to go outside and to do something new. Everyone misses the chaos of busy schedules, carpools and non-stop soccer practices, dance classes, and after school activities.
Today, as I was lazily sitting on my couch, listening to church’s sermon being streamed live on our living room TV, I was struck with a line that resonated with me. Pastor John said, “Contentment is not a natural virtue.” If you go to my church, let us all imagine a certain Samantha in the audience making an audible noise of agreement that she is so famous for.
Contentment is not a natural virtue. Oh man, ain’t that the truth. We live in a world where we’re always comparing ourselves to the Jones, Entitlement is our first name, Credit Card Debt is our last, and the “We gotta have it all, right now, at this moment” is our mentality. All of those characteristics point to the underlying disease of discontent.
Right now, as we’re asked to stay home, prefer others by limiting our interactions and social distancing, and be forced to create a new norm in our lives, it’s easy to be swept away in discontentment.
So if contentment is not a virtue, what does this mean? Contentment will not come easily. In actuality, it’s a choice. You have to choose to be content with what you’ve been given. Perhaps you’ve been given a sad lot. Maybe you’ve lost a job. Maybe you’ve lost a loved one. Maybe you’re not physically or mentally prepared to take care of everything that has been all-of-a-suddenly dumped on you. Regardless of the circumstances, you still have a choice: to be content or not.
My new norm has four major components: meals, school, chores, and exercise. Those components used to all be there, but now they are just centered around the home. Even though I would prefer them not to be, I’ve chosen to be content with my lot. I’m thankful for what I’ve been given, the time I have to fulfill the role that I was meant to play, and rejoice in all circumstances.
I hope you’re coping with whatever your new norm may be.

Side note, I miss my Jazzercise ladies fiercely. If you’re reading this, I cannot wait to see and dance with you in person again. Stay healthy, stay strong, keep dancing, and know you’re loved and missed by all of the Tyrone crew.