I have spoken.

I have spoken.

For a Christmas gift, we received a year subscription to Disney+ from my in-laws. This was mainly for my Star Wars lovin’ son. He has seen every movie, every cartoon show, and has read all the graphic novels based on SW. His passion and knowledge blows my mind and continues to amaze me.

So does Baby Yoda. If you haven’t seen The Mandalorian on Disney+, you’re definitely missing out. The first season has only 8 episodes, and Baby Yoda appears in all of them. The cuteness, the vulnerability, and the surprising power within the tiny Yoda puts the show over the top. Baby Yoda does not disappoint.

One thing I’ve noticed as I’ve gotten older is that I’ve become extremely sensitive to images of love, parenting, and children. What do I mean about extremely sensitive? Meaning, I cry. Episode 8’s title was “Redemption” was truly accurate with droid IG-11’s decision at the end of the show, and again, those tears were flowing. Motherhood has done that to me.

And now, I can say I’m a mother to 3 biological children and one business. Jazzercise Tyrone is officially mine, and like an infant child, it requires so much mothering. The past few days have been a flurry of decisions, check lists, purchases, and organization. I thought I was good at multi-tasking, but this week, I’ve felt stretched thin and overwhelmed.

This is only the beginning!

But like all children, Jazzercise Tyrone, too, will grow up and become less needy of me. I look forward to that day when it requires less hands on maintenance. Until then, I’ll keep pouring my love and energy into it and hope that it will grow. Just like I do with my other kids. I can’t predict their future. I can’t control their outcomes, but I can control how I love them, teach them, guide them, and pray for them. I can trust that the Lord will be faithful in their lives just as he has been in mine.

Therefore, I’ll keep nursing you, all my children. Keep loving you until I can’t, and then I’ll find a way to love you again… for you are mine. I have spoken.

2 thoughts on “I have spoken.

  1. This post reminded me of this Bible verse, “But we were gentle among you, like a nursing mother taking care of her own children.” 1 thess 2:7 Praying for you, Anita. I pray that God can be glorified through every step you instruct and every bump in the jazz owning process. I hope someday I’ll be healthy enough (or live close enough) to Jazz with you!

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