It is well with my soul
This past Sunday, we sang the hymn “It Is Well With My Soul” at church, and as we were singing, I couldn’t help but reflect on how appropriate it was for all that occurred last week.
This is the first verse:
When peace, like a river,
attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot,
Thou hast taught me to say,
It is well, it is well with my soul.
I’ve been told by multiple people about how they are amazed at how calm I have been in the midst of the storm. The Lord has been kind to me by giving me peace and a heart of contentment. I am confident that He was beside me then, is beside me now, and will be beside me whatever comes my way. That, to me, is enough.
Now, yesterday, I got to record my last official class to submit for assessment to Jazzercise. Was it perfect? Definitely not! I totally blanked out the intro to my second song! Yet in its imperfection, the video was perfect. I can’t practice enough or study enough or push my body enough to be perfect, and that’s not my goal. My goal is to uplift, encourage, strengthen, and have fun… all in one hour… with those with me. If you came out yesterday, thank you! If you weren’t able to but messaged me, thank you! If you’re reading this now, thank you! Because it was the un-measurable support of my friends that kept me going, inspiring me to push through. I really felt that this last set was special in everything: music choice, audience, and my attitude. I just wanted to let go and have fun, and in the end, I think I was successful.
So one chapter ends and another one begins. I look forward to what happens next and pray that I continue to have patience as I await for new beginnings. No matter what, I hope to claim, “It is well with my soul.”
Here are some of the beautiful ladies that showed up for my class this past Thursday.