Wherever I Go
When I prepare to teach a Jazzercise class, it’s a multi-day process. Obviously, I have to follow corporate guidelines for set structures, but I really like to vary my sets week to week. This may require me learning new or old choreography. I’ll look at sample sets from other instructors to get inspiration or try to follow a theme.
Once I figure out what my set will be, I like to listen to it so that I am familiar with the music, recognize the musical cues, and mentally dance the song in my head. I rarely choose routines to teach if I don’t like the song. So you won’t catch me teach to a country song because I tend to not listen to country music.
So today, I’m listening to my Wednesday’s set, and a lyric line sticks out to me.
“Wherever I go, there’s a shadow of you.”
Whether we recognize it or not, I think this is true about everyone. We are reflections of our morality, religion, and friendships. We make an impact on others, consciously or subconsciously.
And there are people that impact me on a daily basis. This past year, there have been three main individuals that have molded me the most. I was going to write an entire blog post about them, but I couldn’t bring the correct words to describe them. In truth, these 3–even in their very distinct personalities, relationships, and roles–have the same core strengths and qualities that are my shadow wherever I go. They display dedication, strive for excellence and have a fierce work ethic.
I wanted to expand on this more and may be even name these individuals., but now matter how I worded it, it felt too shallow and insincere. They don’t know how much impact they have had on me. It’s through their average, every day life that their actions shine.
This got me thinking. What kind of impact does my simple life have on others? What is the shadow I’m leaving behind? Ever since I’ve been saved, I’ve wanted to live a life that is a reflection of Christ’s everlasting love and grace upon me. Sometimes I am successful, and there have been many times where I have failed miserably.
I may never know what kind of impact I have on others, and that’s okay. In the end, all life ends in death. It’s the journey to that point that matters. How we live our life now casts the shadow into the future. What will your shadow look like? Good news is, if you don’t like what you’re casting now, it’s not too late to change.
I love the meme below. It’s never too late to change, to start, or to finish. As Yoda says, “Do or do not. There is no try.”
Or more importantly, just start.